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What the Wasm

WebAssembly has been the new hotness for what feels like ages. The creator of Docker tweeted that Docker wouldn’t have been necessary if WebAssembly existed in 2008. People have made talks speculating that it will eat the entire programming model. Almost every language has been compiled to WebAssembly. So why are people not using WebAssembly over 7 years after its release?

Standardization Is Slow

First and most obviously, WebAssembly has been very slow to standardize. Lots of key features like garbage collection, 64 bit memory, threads, etc. have taken several years to nail down. This is overall a very good thing. We don’t want a repeat of the infamous 2 week development cycle for JavaScript. The standardization process is slow because there are lots of very smart people thinking very carefully about WebAssembly’s design.

I will say though, that standardization is by its nature quite slow. When a language is mature with a large userbase, this slowness is much appreciated because it’s important to not break existing code. But WebAssembly is not widely used. So slowness just means frustration for people who do want to use it but are blocked on proposed features. You’re going to lose more users in the beginning by being too slow than by breaking code.

Of course, that’s easier said in a dinky little dev tool than in a language that will literally be run on billions of devices across the world where one mistake will be forever immortalized. So maybe standardization is not so bad.

The Goalposts Changed

The more key issue here is that WebAssembly has expanded in scope to the detriment of its original usecase. Let me explain. When WebAssembly first came out of asm.js, it was billed as a faster, simpler compilation target for the browser. You could run Unreal in the browser! You could compile native code and run it on a web page!

This felt like the main goal for a while. Build a language that works well in the browser that most programming languages can target. But at some point the goal shifted to building a universal, secure runtime, akin to the Java Virtual Machine. You could build once, run anywhere, as the old Java slogan goes.

One of the earliest versions of this idea shows up in Gary Bernhardt’s talk, The Birth and Death of JavaScript. Gary paints a vision where all code gets compiled to asm.js, even compilers or operating systems. This is done because the browser’s sandbox elimintes the need for operating system memory isolation and system call overhead, while also providing easy emulation and cross platform capabilities. Gary paints this as semi-science fiction, but really, this has become more or less accurate.

Evetually this became the top line goal of WebAssembly1. All of the focus appears to be on WASI, the WebAssembly System Interface, and now the Wasm Component model, with the Wasm Interface Type (WIT) language. These are really cool projects! You should check them out because they’re very fascinating work done by very smart people. But they’re massive in scope. They’re trying to build a universal interoperability standard, so Rust can talk to Python who can talk to Go. They’re trying to build essentially a brand new platform agnostic system call interface for I/O, files, sockets, and so on. Oh and they’re trying to add innovations like capabilities based security. Genuinely incredible stuff.

This is all great for the universal compilation target. But it’s not really necessary or ideal for the browser. Do you want to run WASI in the browser and mock out an entire filesystem? Probably not. Do you need 5 different languages to play nice in the browser? Ehh debatable. However, because this has become the top line goal, the things that would be nice for the browser are stuck in stasis or a half-hearted state of neglect. There’s still no direct DOM access. There’s still not great integration with bundlers. Compiling still sucks. You’re still restricted to essentially a program that passes in raw data and passes out raw data, no side effects, nothing. Yes, there are ways around these limitations, but they are still workarounds.

As I’ve already detailed in a previous post, this halfheartedness towards the browser is readily apparent if you try to do anything non-trivial. I tried to get my Rust code to call some C code. Getting the compilation took a bunch of finagling of Rust’s toolchain with a C cross compiler (thank god for zig cc). Then I ran into interop issues where apparently the C ABI is broken on wasm32-unknown-unknown, so either I could move to wasm32-unknown-emscripten, which is barely maintained, or try wasm32-wasi. But then I’d have to add a whole WASI shim to the browser, because why would the browser implement an entire operating system? Oh and a good WASI shim that runs in the browser doesn’t really exist either.

What might be nice is if we could create a wasm32-web target that could be independent of WASI and build out all of the features that web developers actually need to write WebAssembly in the browser. But of course, if WASI were to become mature and usable in the browser, then we’d end up in a fragmented ecosystem.

Underconsidered UX

Another problem is that while a lot of stuff is possible for WebAssembly in the browser, it’s really really painful to use. As I mentioned before, it was really hard to cross compile the C code to WebAssembly. Often times you have to literally clone random GitHub projects to get the right libraries or fiddle with clang flags. And hooking that up into a consistent build with JavaScript is not great either. Lots of bundlers don’t understand WebAssembly, or worse, they half understand it and do some weird magic that doesn’t work.

The documentation for this stuff is also not great. Lin Clark makes some fanastic illustrations for the high level conceptual parts of WebAssembly, but I’d love more detail on the nitty gritty. Most of my knowledge comes from reading random blog posts that are often inaccurate or outdated.

This is also at the language level. Rust is arguably the best language right now for compiling to WebAssembly and it’s still not great in many ways. You can’t easily tell if a crate can be compiled to Wasm. This is especially tricky since it’s often not the actual crate that’s the issue, but instead some random transitive dependency like socket2. There’s the aforementioned 3 targets that each behave slightly different. wasm-pack, the defacto build system for Rust Wasm in the browser, doesn’t work for the WASI or Emscripten targets.

Always Bet On JavaScript

When WebAssembly first came out, there were these flashy posts about how soon we could all be rid of JavaScript, how we could be writing our front ends in Rust or Python or COBOL. That’s not come to pass in the slightest. I’ve always assumed that it’s because WebAssembly hasn’t been mature enough to adopt. However maybe instead of WebAssembly being too immature, maybe it’s a problem of JavaScript being too good. At this point, JavaScript has been fully revolutionized to be a good UI language. We have lots of really impressive frameworks like React, Svelte, Solid, etc. There’s great tooling, with bundlers, linters, package managers.

Maybe the designers of WebAssembly, consciously or not, recognized that JavaScript was becoming a little too entrenched for Wasm to compete for the browser. Maybe that’s why they moved towards the universal compilation target goal. After all, when users would be using WebAssembly, they wouldn’t actually be writing WebAssembly. They would be writing Rust, Python, etc. And each of these languages would have to develop its own browser based libraries with its own set of UI libraries and components. Would these individual languages be able to beat JavaScript, the language with a 20 year head start that has co-evolved with browsers and the Web? Probably not.


There’s a very high chance that in 3-4 years all of this is solved. The component model and WASI become mature, more people start writing WebAssembly, which in turn brings more investment into tooling and browser compatibility. We get DOM access and proper interop with JS via WIT definitions.

I’m really excited for that future. But I’m also a little more measured than before. Because it’s been 7 years already. I started learning WebAssembly in 2019. It was immature, frustrating, and not that capable. It’s now 2024. It’s still immature, frustrating, and not that capable. And now part of me wonders if it’ll ever change. Part of me wonders if having committees toil away for this long was really the right move. Part of me wonders if moving away from browsers to a more ambitious goal was really necessary before shipping a feature complete Wasm. Well, I guess we’ll see.

  1. You can tell it wasn’t in the beginning because, well, why call it Web-Assembly when the goal is beyond the web? Why not call it UniAssembly or something? ↩︎