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Using Rails in 2018

I’m a huge fan of Ruby on Rails. I’ve used it for numerous hackathons and various other projects. The Stuyvesant Spectator website is built with a Rails back end and the previous iteration of this blog was my first Rails project. However, as a shameless advocate of Rails, I get to hear a lot of inaccurate ideas about Rails, such as:

  • Isn’t Rails dead? I don’t know anybody who uses it
  • Rails is too confusing
  • Why should I use Rails when I can use Node?

I’d like to address these concerns and give some tips on how to learn and use Rails in 2018.

First, let’s address the elephant in the room: is Rails dead? Well, no. Not by any reasonable standard. Many companies, such as GitHub, Shopify, Netflix, Crunchbase, Soundcloud, Airbnb, etc. use Rails. Furthermore, Rails development is still ongoing at a rapid pace, with Rails 5.2 beta recently released.

However, when people usually ask this question, what they usually mean is “I haven’t heard anything about Rails from Hacker News/Reddit/Medium”. And yes, by that metric, Rails is pretty damn dead. But before we start getting out the pallbearers, let’s analyze precisely why Rails is no longer talked about. Partially it’s because there’s not a lot to talk about. Developer evangelists don’t advertise it anymore. After all, developers who use Rails don’t need to be convinced that Rails works. They just use it.

Second, is what I call the bootcamp effect. Basically, as companies started to want Rails developers, bootcamps started teaching Rails. This lead to a few major issues. First, there were a bunch of Rails developers on the scene who did not understand the core ideas of Rails (MVC, CoC), who did not understand Ruby, and basically did not understand software development. As they started to write bad code, they began to wonder why their applications weren’t maintainable, why their code wasn’t good. And the easy target? Rails. I mean, just look at the sheer amount of StackOverflow questions on Rails. It’s fairly clear that from most of the questions the inquirer doesn’t actually know Ruby. They just “know” Rails. Then, as new tools such as Node and Golang came out, developers switched to them and suddenly their code was so much better. Well…not quite. It’s more likely they just got a clean slate. Or perhaps they actually decided to learn the underlying language instead of just relying on Rails’ DSL. After that, the bootcamp graduates started making overgeneralizations about Rails. Oh, you know, the usual, “A is always better than B because…” or “Don’t use B because xyz”. Partially true, but not completely.

Finally, there’s the parts of Rails that legitimately are dead. For instance, CoffeeScript and the Asset Pipeline. Yeah…while you could totally use them in 2018, they’re definitely out of date. I’ll get back to this, but front end development is definitely one area where Rails has fallen behind.

To summarize, Rails is not dead, but simply no longer hyped up by the bootcamp effect or by developer evangelism. There are plenty of companies that use Rails and it’s not going away anytime soon.

Though to be entirely fair, the bootcamp effect is not entirely the fault of the bootcamp graduates. Rails is a pretty terrible my-first-framework. Which brings us to the next comment: Rails is confusing. Honestly…I don’t disagree. Rails abstracts away a lot of important aspects of developing a basic REST application, such as routing, handling requests and accessing a database. For people who already know how these aspects work, these abstractions are extremely useful for developing flexible software quickly. But for a beginner? Not great. Part of the reason Express is so likeable is because it’s a very easy mental model: Request -> Router -> Callback. Rails doesn’t have that easy mental mode. Not to mention, features like magical auto imports can be extremely confusing at first. But again, Rails was not designed for bootcamp graduates. It was designed for people who understood Ruby, understood web development and wanted to automate the boring parts.

Most importantly, Rails was designed to be extreeeeemly opinionated. The whole concept of convention over configuration was an attempt to simplify the structure of a web application by enforcing certain standards. This makes total sense for an experienced developer who understands concepts like Model-View-Controller, or aphorisms like “fat models, skinny controllers”. But for a beginner? All the little opinionated aspects and strictness makes it really hard to just write code.

So why should you use Rails in 2018? Well there’s a few reasons. But first, a demo.

Without a single line of code, I managed to add basic CRUD functionality for articles. Again, terrible for beginners. But for a developer who doesn’t want to spend hours on controller boilerplate? Amazing.

And this easiness doesn’t just apply to code generation. Take GraphQL for instance. In the Node world, writing GraphQL resolvers is a bit of a nightmare. You have to manually write every single resolver for every field. Want to get comments from an article model? Great! You need to write a resolver to fetch the comments. Granted, there are some shortcuts, like join-monster and other libraries. But it’s just a damn pain. You need to find an ORM, connect the ORM to the database, connect the ORM to the GraphQL library, then write out the schema definitions, blah blah blah. In Rails? It’s as simple as adding the GraphQL gem, defining the fields in your object type and writing a query. Want nested data? Define the types and Rails’ built in ORM, ActiveRecord takes care of the rest.

Again, quick demo:

And if you do want more fine grained control of your fields, well you can also just define a field using a Ruby lambda and have it resolve to whatever you want.

You see, the main power of Rails is its’ cohesiveness. Every piece of the puzzle, from the web server to the ORM to the GraphQL gem integrates perfectly. You don’t have to string npm package after npm package together just to get the basics down. You don’t have to navigate tutorials that only handle 4 out of the 10 packages you’re using. It just works.

So, without further ado, here are some tips on Rails development in 2018.

Use the API mode

Let’s be honest here. Front end development is a bit of a runaway train right now. The Angular hype was quickly overtaken by the React hype which is now being challenged by the Vue hype. Gulp/grunt was replaced by Webpack which might be replaced by Parcel. And while Rails has tried to keep up with tools like Webpacker, it’s just a lost cause. Webpacker inherently ties your Rails application to webpack and forces you to couple your SPA with your API. And for what? Rails views and Rails controllers are coupled because they integrate tightly. There’s no equivalent reason to couple your front end SPA with your back end.

Meanwhile, Rails shipped an API mode in 5.1 that strips out all the front end code and leaves a simple, elegant REST API. This means you get all the wonderful generators, tight integration and easy of use that people love about Rails, minus the outdated asset pipeline.

Try GraphQL Ruby

I can’t emphasize enough how great GraphQL Ruby is. It integrates so well into the Rails ecosystem and it gives a better development experience than anything I’ve found in Node for GraphQL.

Learn Ruby

I mean, this should go without saying. But Rails is not Rails without Ruby. Not knowing Ruby is like trying to write React code while not knowing JavaScript. It just doesn’t work.

Don’t Listen To the Haters

Just because all you hear is Node, Golang and Elixir, doesn’t mean other frameworks are bad or dying. Rails is a fantastic framework that only keeps getting better over the years. Check it out, or give it another chance.