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Webassembly Woes

I’ve been playing around with a new language called Vicuna. It’s very much in the early stages, just a simple parser that compiles to JS. One thing I like to do when I write a compiler is to build a playground so that I can inspect the various compiler stages and test everything in an interactive fashion.

To build this playground, I decided to compile my compiler to WebAssembly. That way everything could run in browser in a tight loop.

I had done this before at my previous job, where it was a breeze. I used wasm-pack to build the compiler into a library that could interact with JS, and then hooked it up to a React app.

However, this time I had decided to use tree-sitter as my parser. Tree-sitter is a wonderful parser generator that I’ve written about before. It generates parsers from a grammar specification. These parsers are written in C and generally compiled alongside the Rust code.

Turns out this whole process gets a lot harder when you compile everything to WebAssembly. First there’s the issue of which WebAssembly backend to use. There’s currently three ones that I know about: wasm32-unknown-unknown, wasm32-unknown-emscripten, and wasm32-wasi.

Starting from the top, wasm32-unknown-unknown is a backend that is pretty barebones. It doesn’t have a lot of facilities for interacting with the outer world. That said it’s what works with tools like wasm-pack so I decided to go with it. And of course, I’m rewarded with a nice large build error:

The following warnings were emitted during compilation:

warning: In file included from /Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna/tree-sitter-vicuna/src/parser.c:1:
warning: /Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna/tree-sitter-vicuna/src/tree_sitter/parser.h:10:10: fatal error: 'stdlib.h' file not found
warning: #include <stdlib.h>
warning:          ^~~~~~~~~~
warning: 1 error generated.

error: failed to run custom build command for `vicuna v0.1.0 (/Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna)`


error occurred: Command "clang" "-O0" "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections" "-fPIC" "-g" "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" "--target=wasm32-unknown-unknown" "-I" "/Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna/tree-sitter-vicuna/src" "-Wall" "-Wextra" "-o" "/Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/build/vicuna-4cf7e78393ef5ba4/out/parser.o" "-c" "/Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna/tree-sitter-vicuna/src/parser.c" with args "clang" did not execute successfully (status code exit status: 1).

Great. This error makes some sense because tree-sitter’s parser tries to use the C standard library, and wasm32-unknown-unknown requires a special C standard library, which is not provided by the standard clang toolchain I was using. I tried various methods of including the C standard library which didn’t work, such as wasm-stdlib-hack likely because I’m not familiar with C at all.

Moving on, I tried wasm32-unknown-emscripten. And to my delight, it worked! The code built with no issues. This is because emscripten provides the C stdlib by default. Even better, emscripten outputs a JS file that I can just include in my webpage. However…this JS file is not nice standard ES modules with export and import, but old school CommonJS. Upon asking about how to have wasm32-unknown-emscripten emit ES6, I’m informed that the wasm32-unknown-emscripten backend is no longer used1 and that also there’s an ABI incompatibility with Rust and C for wasm32-unknown-unknown.

Okay…that’s unfortunate, but silver lining, wasm32-wasi should work! And WASI should be the right fit because I need the C stdlib to work and WASI provides all the syscall-like functionality that stdlib would require. So let’s compile! And yay…we get the same error:

The following warnings were emitted during compilation:

warning: In file included from /Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna/tree-sitter-vicuna/src/parser.c:1:
warning: /Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna/tree-sitter-vicuna/src/tree_sitter/parser.h:10:10: fatal error: 'stdlib.h' file not found
warning: #include <stdlib.h>
warning:          ^~~~~~~~~~
warning: 1 error generated.

error: failed to run custom build command for `vicuna v0.1.0 (/Users/nicholas/projects/vicuna)`

This is where I gave up for a couple weeks. Revisiting this issue while doing some programming over the holidays, I decided to do what any good magpie developer would do and add another programming language. Namely, I decided to use zig’s C toolchain that offers easy cross compilation. And…it works! The toolchain compiles. In fact it compiles for both wasm32-wasi and wasm32-unknown-unknown!

Okay great! Let’s try using wasm32-wasi since that appears to be the anointed “modern” backend. Okay, it appears that for the browser we need a polyfill for WASI. Looking around, wasmer.js is a good candidate. First try, I get a Buffer is not defined bug, which usually indicates the library only works on Node. Reading an issue, turns out I have to polyfill Buffer and add it to the globalThis object. Not ideal, but okay. And then I get the following:

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Failed to instantiate WASI: RuntimeError: JsValue(TypeError: import object field 'env' is not an Object

Weird. Because I’m lazy, I’m not going to chase down that path just yet. Instead let’s try using wasm-pack with wasm32-unknown-unknown. Generate a Wasm stub with wasm-pack new, then build with CC="zig cc" wasm-pack build, and then import the newly generated pkg/ in my React app. There’s some unimportant errors around importing Wasm, and then I get:

 Failed to resolve import "env" from "../vicuna-wasm/pkg/vicuna_wasm_bg.wasm". Does the file exist?

These are oddly similar errors and from Googling around, it appears that they’re caused by the Rust code using extern "C" and linking to C code, namely the tree-sitter parser.

Where I’m At

At this point, we’ve caught up to the present. I’m still stuck on these various issues and cannot get this damn compiler to build to Wasm. There’s three approaches I could take:

  • Use wasm32-unknown-emscripten and either figure out how to integrate the old style JS into my bundling setup, or figure out how to emit ES modules.
  • Use wasm-pack and wasm32-unknown-unknown and figure out this env issue.
  • USe wasm32-wasi and @wasmer/wasi, and figure out this env issue.

These are all feasible, but they all beg the question: Why is this so damn hard?

Why Is This Hard

There’s a few reasons. The first is that WebAssembly needs a special sysroot, basically a bunch of libraries like stdlib and stdio. With wasm32-unknown-emscripten that’s fine because emscripten provides this sysroot. With the other compile targets you need to provide it yourself. Which…frankly is just annoying. I don’t know why it took Zig for someone to create a C compiler that bundles sysroots for various targets. Really there should be a C compiler that has something akin to Rustup where you can install targets with sysroots.

The second is that there is far too much churn and outdated information around Rust and WebAssembly. I don’t want to be switching between three different compile targets because there’s one that compiles without any trouble (wasm32-unknown-emscripten), there’s one that has somewhat decent tooling (wasm32-unknown-unknown), and there’s one that is actually recommended as the “modern” solution (wasm32-wasi).

Third, the tooling is simply not there. The truth is that none of this should require special tooling. I should be able to run cargo build --target wasm32-wasi and have it figure out the C code. I should be able to generate JS bindings for wasm32-wasi. WebAssembly should be as easy to use as native. Heck, I should be able to import a Rust file in my JS code.

This Isn’t Hard, You Just Suck

That may be true. But please understand that this is a very condensed version of events. I spent a lot of time reading various docs, posting online, and trying various different strategies. I also omitted some of the less interesting errors that I received.

And even if someone more knowledgeable than me can get this to work, well that’s not great. Getting a Rust + C codebase to compile to WebAssembly should not require intricate knowledge of C flags and sysroots and WebAssembly internals. It should be doable by a junior developer.

What I Want From WebAssembly

If WebAssembly is supposed to be a universal runtime, it needs tools that make compiling non-trivial codebases to WebAssembly a feasible process. It needs documentation on the different compile targets and how to get everything working. And it needs people who can build these tools, write this documentation, and respond to questions.

Because if we do not solve these usability problems, WebAssembly will run the risk of being too damn hard to use.

I’d love for the WebAssembly Community Group (CG) )to create a usability sub-group that focuses on solving people’s issues with WebAssembly and increasing user adoption. It’d be really nice if the sub-group could work with language implementors to help build better tooling for Wasm. Right now it appears that the CG is focused primarily on the pure semantics and featureset of Wasm. That’s great, but it won’t matter a bit if Wasm has fixed-width SIMD or branch hinting if the toolchains are too difficult to use.

What I Want From Rust And C

I know it’s not Rust’s job to compile C, but if C compilation can get simpler, that would open up a lot of cases where Rust can start to replace or live alongside C. I love that Zig has fixed this problem to a degree but it shouldn’t require installing Zig to build my C code.

And sorry, I don’t care that I could have “just” used some incantation of -I /usr/lib -L /usr/root -B foobar -QS 10 and so on. Building C should be simple. There’s no inherent benefit to making your build system arcane.

I also would love more work invested in rustwasm, wasm-pack specifically. I know that’s not a simple task, with developer time in such short supply. I should probably put my money where my mouth is and contribute to this effort. I’ll do my best to try.

What I Want From Myself

Stop trying to use WebAssembly and just have a backend that compiles the code dude. You just yak-shaved a nice-to-have feature for your compiler into a whiny blog post.

Hope this was helpful, feel free to reach out if you have any comments or feedback.

  1. Side note but it’s really frustrating how quickly the tech world goes from “this is in beta don’t use it” to “you have to use this don’t use the old version”. There should be an period of overlap where both are acceptable. ↩︎