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Things I Used to Care About

Do you ever look back and marvel at how much fashion has changed? In 2016 all the cool kids were wearing selvedge jeans, Clarks desert boots or maybe Stan Smith sneakers. Oh and they were writing ES6 with React classes, CSS in JS and Redux. Y’know, the cool front-end dev kids. Now it’s all kids wearing light-washed high-waisted bell-bottom (!) jeans with some chunky sneakers, writing Solid with Tailwind and TypeScript. It’s like Abe Simpson said, I used to be with “it”, but then they changed what “it” was.

What’s funny about these trends is that in the present, it’s quite easy to see them as eternal truths. Plenty of people bought into the idea that good-year welted boots and selvedge jeans were timeless classics that would never go out of fashion. Likewise there were a lot of trends around best practices in programming that we all thought were going to always be true. Such as…

Don’t Shadow Variables

Take a look at this Java code.

String user = "Nick";
String user = "Nicholas";
System.out.println("My name is " + user);

What does this print? Trick question, it gives a compile error. We’ve defined two variables with the name user in the same scope. Because they have the same name, we cannot access the first one after the second one is defined, thereby shadowing the first variable. This was generally considered to be a bad practice. Many compilers, such as javac, would return an error upon encountering shadowing.

However, if you’ve written any Rust, you’ll know that shadowing is actually really common and basically encouraged in Rust. An extremely prevalent pattern is:

let user: Option<String> = get_user();
if let Some(user) = user {
  println!("The user is {}", user);

What this code is doing is taking a variable user that is of type Option<String> and printing it if the user is Some, i.e. if the user variable has a value inside it1. The way it does so is by using a if let expression, which allows you to take an expression and match it against a pattern, in this case Some(user). The pattern creates bindings, i.e. new variables, in this case a user variable that is the String value that must exist if this pattern is matched.

Basically, inside the if let block, we are shadowing the user that is of type Option<String> with the user of type String. And it’s fine! It’s fine because Rust’s borrow checking rules ensure that you don’t want to use the first user. It’s also fine because Rust offers very robust typing and most editors provide inline type hints, which allow you to see the types of your variables live. You can see that the first user is an Option<String> and the second user is a String.

You may say that pattern matching is materially different than defining variables and therefore shadowing is fine in that context. Okay, sure. How about this?

let index = get_index();
a[index] = 10;
let index = index + 1;

We’re shadowing index here. But it’s pretty clear what we mean. We have an index that we use in one context, and then we create a new index after that. Of course, we could use mutability for this, something like:

let mut index = getIndex();
a[index] = 10;
index = index + 1;

But in general it’s not recommended to use mutability in Rust. If your variable has a bunch of methods on it, you are now permitting the mutable ones to be called, which may not be what you want. Shadowing allows us to mimick it without resorting to mutability.

Another case where shadowing is nice is when you want to unwrap a variable with the ? operator:

let lhs_ty = lhs_ty?;
let rhs_ty = rhs_ty?;

If I couldn’t shadow, I’d have to come up with some awkward names like

let lhs_ty = lhs_ty_result?;
let rhs_ty = rhs_ty_result?;

Which isn’t the worst, but it’s getting weirdly close to Hungarian notation.

So why is shadowing suddenly kosher? Well for one, I don’t think it was ever that big of a deal. But it is true that when dealing with mutability, shadowing does become a little messier. When you have multiple variables that can be mutated with the same name, mutating the wrong one can cause very confusing bugs.

Similarly, I suspect that in Rust, you generally have a lot fewer variables and objects in scope. Nested functions are not encouraged and generally most values are moved after one or two uses.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more languages that permit if not encourage shadowing.


I started programming seriously right before formatters became super popular. I remember my mentors harping on me carefully aligning my arguments to a function call, and religiously following the 80 character rule. They always stressed that I should not follow my editor’s default formatting (which, to be fair, was limited to just awkward auto-indentation).

Now, I can’t remember the last time I had a discussion around formatting beyond “hey you forgot to run rustfmt/gofmt/prettier”. It’s also interesting how my opinions on formatting have totally vanished too. I don’t care as long as the lines are not super long and the code is legible. For a while I had debates with people who stubbornly hated on whatever formatting rules, but I suspect even the most opinionated of developers have begrudgingly embraced formatters.

Even when I worked on a formatter at Rome, we eventually concluded that there was no point to changing any of Prettier’s choices. It would just cause large diffs when adopting our formatter. Sure, we may have preferred a different style to Prettier, but would it have been worth the diffs?

(Many) ESLint Rules

If you want some culture shock, open up an ESLint setup from 2016. Remember when everybody was convinced that you had to use const everywhere, that you had to use arrow functions, that mutability was the source of all evil? Or that you had to name your error variables err and not gasp e??? Yeah…times have changed. Some people probably do still care about these rules, but for me, I can’t say I do.

This isn’t to say that linters are bad or out of vogue. But I think there was a period where we were really fanatical about lint rules and now, hopefully, we’ve backed off a little. Nowadays linters seem more focused on correctness and less so on style.

The rational often cited was that linters enforced standardization and therefore less mental overhead when it came to reading the code. I do think that’s somewhat believable, not necessarily to the point where you have to make everything an arrow function or everything const. In fact, that standardization erased some nuances within the context, say that a variable is indeed intended to be mutated and is not a constant (const is mutable despite its name), or that you were defining a top level function and didn’t care about this binding rules, so using function was perfectly acceptable.

Design Patterns

These are a little more retro than the other examples, with the classic text being the book published by the Gang of Four in 1994. But I definitely still encountered them in the 2010’s. Again, the basic idea is very much sound: common patterns that are helpful for designing software. But the practice did become a little dogmatic. And in many cases the practice was a substitute for missing language concepts.

For instance, a lot of the patterns based around executing different code based on run-time types, such as Strategy or Visitor patterns, can be modeled quite nicely with sum types. Sure, you can visit an AST using a visitor pattern, but it’s a lot nicer to just pattern match on the damn thing.

In a more general sense, there is a continuing issue of people assuming that abstraction makes better code. I’ve definitely run into this pitfall where I write some Rust that’s just a few functions that call each other, but then worry that it’s not abstract and professional enough, maybe I should add some generics and traits? When really, no, abstraction is a cost you pay when you have to limit complexity. If there is no complexity to limit, don’t abstract.

Function Length, DRY, Single Return and other Clean Code-isms

In a sense these were the ESLint rules before ESLint rules. In code review you’d be lectured that a function longer than 10 lines needed to be split up, or that you should only have a single return statement, or that repeated code was evil.

There’s somewhat reasonable justification for these concepts. Long functions can be quite hard to read, while smaller utility functions can help with abstraction. If you have a lot of complicated control flow, i.e. a lot of what’s called cyclomatic complexity, that can be hard to read (although I don’t know how you could conclude that only a single return statement is an acceptable solution). Repeated code does add to mental overhead and requires changes to be propagated to multiple places in the codebase, leaving the door open for partial migration states.

However…there are also really compelling counter-examples. Sometimes you just want to read a long function top to bottom instead of jumping into 7 different utility functions. I used to feel guilty about writing large functions in my compiler, but then I realized that the long functions consisted of pattern matching and handling multiple, mutually exclusive cases. In which case, was it so hard to read? No. If one case started to get really long, maybe I’d factor it out into a separate function, but until then, there really was no need.

Similarly, multiple return statements are great! Often you want to handle the edgecases in the beginning, then continue on the happy path for the rest of the function. In fact some languages make this quite easy, such as Swift with guards and Ruby with post-fix if.

In fact, the whole advice against cyclomatic complexity, basically lots of if/else conditions, is a little overwrung. There certainly can be cases where cyclomatic complexity is too high, but one cases where I actually don’t think this applies is a long chain of unnested if/else statements:

if (day == "Monday") {
} else if (day == "Tuesday") {
} else if (day == "Wednesday") {

Now, there are cases where this chain is a code smell, say if you wanted to do something very dumb like get the first character of the day, you could obviously rewrite this to:


But if you were genuinely doing logic that depended on the day, this is probably the best option. Heck, even if you were mapping to some data, like say an internal id, I don’t think this would be a bad idea. Yes, yes, you could create a hash map and index with the day, but then you’re allocating memory (unless your compiler is really smart) and you’re having to chase a pointer, for what’s basically the same code. Sure this is all premature optimization, but you could argue that using a hash map is premature refactoring.

The same is true with Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY). Often times it’s totally fine to repeat yourself. The guideline I generally follow is to only deduplicate after three usages or if the repeated piece is longer than a few lines. It should also depend on the context of the code. For instance, I may have a helper function that I use in two different Rust crates. I could factor it out into a separate crate, but that would be a massive amount of overhead for a single function. Instead, I may just copy the function and include a comment noting that there is a duplicate in the other crate.

Again, this is a situation where people took general guidelines and turned them into dogma. Furthermore, when giving this advice, what is often neglected is the prioritization of the guidelines. Yes, you shouldn’t repeat yourself, but is that more or less important than code readability? Is cyclomatic complexity important unto itself or is it in service of legibility? You can make a list of good qualities but the list will be self-contradictory and impossible to fulfill. The tricky aspect of programming is not the making of the list, but balancing all of the items in a feasible manner.

File Structure

I used to use emacs with a relatively sparse config. Therefore, to navigate to code, I’d have to go searching through the file tree. I developed a lot of opinions on how to structure a codebase and make things properly isolated and modular.

Now I use an IDE and can search through files without having to go through directories. Guess who doesn’t care a single bit about directory structure anymore? This guy! I might care about file names and I might care a tiny bit about folder names to disambiguate, but other than that, nope, don’t care.

This isn’t to say that I keep my code in utter disarray. But I’m a little more okay with large files or flat directories. TypeScript famously keeps its entire type checker in a single checker.ts file. While that may be a little extreme, I do think it works well for them, especially versus having to jump between 10 different files just to trace a single type inference step.

  1. Quick background, in Rust you have what are called non-nullable types, where they cannot have the null value by default. To express a null value, you need to use an Option wrapper, which is what’s called a sum type. If you’re not familiar with this concept, I’d recommend reading the Rust documentation. ↩︎