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How to Think About Compiling

I’ve wanted to write a compiler for a while, about 5 years at this point. I struggled with it for a while because I didn’t know how to even approach the problems involved in writing a compiler. I mean, how the heck do you take a nice, elegant language like Java and turn it into bytecode or assembly? Maybe I’m just not that smart, but it took me a lot of effort to figure out this process.

Here’s what I’ve learned over my last few compiler projects. I wish I could have learned this stuff from a compiler book, but instead I learned from trial & error & suffering.


All of the examples are taken from my compiler for Saber, a garbage collected OCaml-esque language. It has structs, integers, floats, first class functions, garbage collection, and it kind of looks like JavaScript. It’s also very much incomplete and not a production language.

Saber compiles to WebAssembly, which is a stack language with a bytecode format. Basically, WebAssembly holds values on a stack. Instructions can pop values off the stack and/or push them on the stack. There are functions, integers, floats, and linear memory (a heap).

Combining Concepts

A lot of compilation is combining concepts. You’ll take stuff like objects, functions, arrays and compile them down to a simple concept: pointers.

This isn’t a revelation. If you understand high level languages versus low level languages, you understand this.

Sometimes there’s tricks on how to combine things. If you’re designing the target, as in the case of bytecode interpreters or intermediate representations, you can help yourself by adding precisely the right concept in the target such that you can combine multiple features into one. Maybe you can add first class array support and compile strings, arrays and structs to arrays.

Split Concepts

On the flip side however, sometimes you need to split concepts up. Let’s take functions as an example. In a lot of languages these days, functions are first class citizens. They can be passed as values, they can enclose other values, etc. This makes compilation slightly tricky as it’s not always clear which function is being called:

let fn = if is_cool {
  () => {
    print("I'm cool!");
} else {
  () => {
    print("I'm not cool!");

In WebAssembly, you can implement first class functions via calling into a table of potential functions with an index computed dynamically. This is great, but it’s a separate feature from regular functions that requires some setup. I’d prefer to not use it if possible.

Therefore, in my typechecking pass, I check if I can resolve the function statically and if so, I emit an ExprT::DirectCall. If not, I emit an ExprT::IndirectCall. By splitting the two concepts, I can make my function calls a little more efficient and my code generation a lot nicer.

If you’re familiar with dynamic versus static dispatch, this should sound familiar. In languages such as C++ this distinction is in the source language, but even if it isn’t, you can still use it for compilation.

Pre and Post Conditions

Code generation at times can feel kinda like time travel. Since you know what happens in the next few lines of code, you can leave yourself hints in the past.

However, with hints, it’s important that hints don’t squash each other. If you remember to leave some important data in register 1, you have to make sure it doesn’t get overwritten by some other important data in register 1.

The way we do this is via pre and post conditions. When we compile, we create certain agreements about the data before and after some code is run. The classic example of this is saving registers. Saving registers is the idea that you need to store the value of certain machine registers on the stack before calling a function, because the function is also allowed to use the registers and will likely overwrite your values.

When I code generate, I use a few WebAssembly globals as “registers”. In particular, I use global #0 as a general purpose register, often to store a pointer to the heap. Global #0 explicitly has no guarantees around saving. If you’re generate an if statement and you call into generate_expr to generate the code for the condition, there are no guarantees that global #0 is saved.

This is great when you just need a variable to duplicate stack values (WASM doesn’t have a dup instruction for…reasons). However it falls apart in certain situations. With indirect function calls, we need a global that’s saved. Basically, indirect function calls require generating the code that evaluates to a function value, then generating the code that evaluates to the arguments, then doing an indirect call. The problem here is that a function value is actually a struct with two fields: an index into a function table and a pointer to the function’s environment. The pointer to the function’s environment is the first argument, while the index goes after the arguments.

If you imagine the stack when we do a call indirect, it should look like:

<pointer to env>
<arg 1
<arg n>
<function index>

However, to do this, we need to preserve the pointer to the function value struct so that we can use it after the argument generation to access the index.

How do we do that? Well we use global #1! Unlike global #0, global #1 has strict rules about being preserved. Whenever you use global #1, you are expected to save its previous value and reset to that after using it.

Basically there’s an explicit post-condition here. Global #1 must be the same as it was before your current usage.


If the explanation above sounded messy, it’s because it was. Closures are kind of a pain in the ass. That said, they were a lot easier than they could have been.

Closures refer to the process by which functions keep access to variables that are in scope, even if the function is moved out of that context. For instance:

let foo = () => {
  let a = 10;
  let bar = () => {
  return bar;

let fn = foo();

In this case, fn() should print 10. However that requires that we retain access to a even though the scope in which it’s defined, i.e. foo’s scope, is no longer in existence.

The (somewhat) standard way we accomplish this is by giving functions a first parameter that is a pointer to the function’s environment, basically a struct of values that we need to keep around (or enclose to use proper terminology). Then, when a function is defined, we initialize the struct to contain the necessary values, in this case a, and bind it to the function.

This is further complicated when you have even more nesting:

let foo = () => {
  let a = 10;
  let bar = () => {
    let baz = () => {
	return baz;
  return bar;

let fn = foo()();

With multiple levels of nesting, we have a few problems. If we’re initializing the function environment for baz, we need a. But a isn’t defined in bar, it’s defined in foo! Therefore bar needs access to a so that we can initialize baz.

To solve this, we have two options: Either we include a in each function environment, i.e. bar has a, then baz has a. Or we create a linked list between environments so that if we need to get a, we can simply look at baz’s environment, which has a pointer to bar’s environment, which then has a.

The problem with including a in each function environment can be explained with another example:

let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = 3;
let d = 4;
let foo = () => {
  let bar = () => {
  let baz = () => {

Since bar needs access to a and b, we need to put them in foo’s function environment. But since baz needs c and d, those also need to go into foo’s environment.

You can kinda visualize this as a pyramid. foo’s environment must contain all the necessary values that both bar and baz require. If bar and baz have functions inside them that require values, well foo’s gonna have to have them too.

Instead, let’s do the linked list idea. But writing a linked list in WebAssembly is annoying. Not to mention we have to garbage collect it, which means type tags and all these other messy aspects.

But wait! We’ve already implemented all of these messy aspects in our regular struct code. Therefore, we can just take our closures, desugar them into structs, then let our compiler do the rest. We can also move all of the functions out of this nested situation and put them at the top level.

Taking our first example, we can put all of the functions at the top level, and replace the function values with the structs:

let foo_env = FooEnv {};
let bar_fn = (env) => {
let foo_fn = (env) => {
  let a = 10;
  let bar_env = BarEnv { parent: env, a };
  return bar_env

let fn = foo_fn(foo_env);

Technically there’s some scope trickery here because all the global functions can call each other, regardless of their declaration order, but that’s hard to demonstrate in pseudocode.

From here, we can trust our code for compiling structs and top level functions to work.

Intermediate Representations

As I’ve mentioned before, intermediate representations can make your life a lot easier. When I started out writing my compiler, I was hesitant to add too many IRs. I felt that it added unnecessary complexity by having yet another data structure to worry about. I was worried about the performance implications of having these various translation steps. I also made the assumption that each successive IR had to be closer to the target language.

Turns out none of these are really valid concerns. Yes, you can have too many IRs, but most compilers have at least 3-4. IRs may slow down your compiler, but you shouldn’t assume that off the bat. Besides, performance doesn’t matter if the compiler doesn’t work.

As for the IR having to be closer to the target language, sure, in some ways it should be. But part of the purpose of an IR is to introduce structure. What does that mean?

Backing up a little, I’d say there’s two main things a compiler should do: deduce information about the code’s structure (parsing, type checking, control flow analysis), and translate (lowering, code generation). In many cases what we do is deduce the structure and then translate. We parse and then build an AST. We type-check and then compile.

However, there is sometimes the opposite where we need to translate to deduce structure. This is where an IR comes in. Let’s say we want to do some control flow analysis. Control flow analysis is pretty important for type checking, specifically for non-nullability. Non-nullability is the principle that any value cannot be null by default. If a value can be null, it needs to be explicitly marked, often with a wrapper like Option<Foo>. To have non-nullability, a compiler needs to ensure that all paths in a function return a value.

In theory you could do this in the type-checking pass. But there’s a couple issues. For one, type-checking is done on an AST, which means that evaluation order of code is not linear, i.e. you cannot just read a list of operations that are executed in order. This makes checking control flow kinda frustrating because you need to add bookkeeping to remember if you’ve seen a return, if that return was inside an if expression, etc. Second, we’re already doing a lot in the type-checking pass. We’re checking the types, figuring out scopes for closures, and now doing control flow analysis? From a code perspective this seems very messy. Again, you could totally do this, but personally it gives me a headache.

What’s the answer? An IR! In this case we want an IR that puts the structure of control flow front and center. This requires a few basic structures. We have a basic block with instructions. Instructions can use the result of previous instructions via their index. Instructions are always executed from top to bottom in order. Basically there is no control flow inside a block. To have control flow, we provide some operations: you can conditionally go to a different block; unconditionally go to a different block (more on this later); and you can return1 from a block. Blocks can return a value. Functions are made up of blocks with one entry block.

------ Block 0 -------
0: i32.var 0      // Load variable #0 (v#0)
1: i32.const 4    // Constant 4
2: i32.add #0 #1  // Add v#0 and 4
3. i32.var 1      // Load variable #1 (v#1)
4. i32.eq #2 #3   // Check if v#0 == v#1
5: if #4 1 2      // If v#0 == v#1, go to block 1 otherwise go to block 2.

If you’re wondering, this is totally cribbed from Professor Adrian Sampson’s Advanced Compiler’s course. It’s also a sort of bastardized single-static assignment to a degree.

Control flow analysis on this IR is pretty nice! You can check that a block always resolves to a value pretty easily by going down the block and verifying that it always has a return instruction. If there are instructions after a return, you can mark them as dead.

Beyond that, the IR makes other forms of translation easier. All of the complicated types are lowered down to 32 bit signed ints, 32 bit signed floats, and pointers. In reality, pointers are 32 bit integers too, but having them be separate makes for a clearer translation.

IRs are also easier for debugging. While I “love” debugging pure WebAssembly2, it’s certainly a lot nicer to have a format that I can print out into clean blocks and read straight through.

This is just one IR example. There’s a whole bunch of different types like continuation passing style, bytecode, etc. I recommend learning more IRs so you can keep them in your toolbox.

Final Advice

To recap, if you’re writing a compilation step and you’re stuck, I’d say there’s a few key questions you can ask yourself:

  • What’s the simplest example I can find?

Literally the simplest example. I started my code generator with integer arithmetic.

  • What does this simplest example look like in my target language?

Integer arithmetic in WebAssembly may seem trivial but you need to set up the bytecode format for a module, add a type definition, add a function definition, then the code body. It’s not the simplest.

  • How can I generate this simplest example in code?

  • How can I represent the target language in code?

Maybe a little dumb, but compiling to WebAssembly became a lot less daunting once I had just typed out all of the language as Rust data structures. It became a question of moving data around and indexing it, something that we’ve all done.

  • How can I make this feature more simple?

I made the mistake of having really fancy features from the start. Functions would be closures, they’d have pattern matching with tuples and structs. All of that was too much. I ended up starting with a top level function that takes in regular, ordered arguments.

  • Can I move the previous representation to be closer?

I had a heck of a time figuring out if a function call was direct or indirect (basically statically determined or dynamically determined) in my WebAssembly code generation. As I mentioned above, I resolved this in my typechecking pass. By doing so, I moved my typed AST representation closer to WebAssembly and farther away from its previous representation, the untyped AST.

A lot of compiler design is playing around with the closeness of each compilation step from the other steps.

  • Can I make an intermediate representation that makes this easier?

Of course, if you can’t get it to work, you can always create an IR.

  • What invariants should be in the IR?

Having the invariant that a block is always executed from the top down with no internal control flow in my IR made compiling and reasoning about it way easier.

  • What knowledge do I need to have to compile this code?

  • How can I get this knowledge prior to this step?

If you need a lot of knowledge and therefore a lot of bookkeeping, you probably should introduce an IR and gather the knowledge there.


Thanks for reading! I’m not an expert here and likely a lot of this is common knowledge already. If there are inaccuracies, omissions or additions that you’d like to talk about, feel free to email me at!

  1. Reading this, I should probably have some instruction for general return from a function. ↩︎

  2. Especially when your bytecode emitting is incorrect so tools like wasm2wat don’t work and you end up reading raw hex. ↩︎