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Graphql APIs

I’ve been using GraphQL for almost a year now. I’ve used it in a few small hackathon projects, along with the Stuyvesant Spectator site. I like using GraphQL because it’s rather easy to query complicated relations, especially for React components. On StuySpec it allowed us to split the fetching logic into smaller, more granular queries, which got rid of the large up front fetch that we previously had (not that you need GraphQL to solve that, you can easily use query params). That being said, I’ll preface this post by saying that I’m not necessarily a GraphQL evangelist. GraphQL has its pros and cons, just like any other tool.

When I write GraphQL APIs, I use Rails with graphql-ruby. I chose this combination because I was converting the Stuyvesant Spectator’s Rails REST API to GraphQL and I didn’t want a full rewrite. Also, I do like Rails and tend to reach for it in need.

After a few months, I really started to like graphql-ruby. For one, it’s damn easy to use. I basically write a few GraphQL ObjectType definitions, add a few queries, and the magic of Rails takes care of the rest. Since the ObjectTypes are basically using the Rails models underneath the hood, all the usual Rails associations still work. If I have a one to many relation on Articles to Comments (an Article has_many Comments), all I need to do is specify a comments field on the Article ObjectType that has a type of an array of Comment ObjectTypes. Basically, ActiveRecord came to the rescue.

However, not everything in the Rails + graphql-ruby stack is great. For instance, there’s no real good solution to authentication. I had to manually work around Devise Token Auth with some semi messy code for StuySpec. And authorization isn’t great either. The official solution for graphql-ruby requires a Pro membership which costs 900 dollars a year. Yeah…no. Other solutions exist, but they’re not that mature.

But these are the minor problems. The elephant in the room came to me when I was writing my 2nd or 3rd GraphQL on Rails API. I looked at my code and I recognized barely anything from old school Rails. I don’t use Rails views. I use exactly one controller (GraphqlController). I’m not using RESTful resources. Okay, sure, I’m using ActiveRecord with migrations. But why do I need a framework for an ORM? I felt like I was using an SUV for the seat warmer.

So I decided to check out the other side of the fence. Namely, Node. After all, isn’t that where it all started? GraphQL.js is the “reference implementation” of GraphQL. But with Node comes plenty of other problems. Namely, it’s just so damn tedious.

GraphQL in Rails is literally installing a library, writing a few field types, and that’s it. And in theory that’s also GraphQL in Node. Except you have to link resolvers to a database manually. Oh but you need to set up an ORM for the database. And then get migrations to work. Oh and then set up the actual server. And then figure out a sane organization for the files. All the while trying to understand documentation that uses varying generations of JavaScript. Gotta love decorators in your documentation when it’s not even a Stage 3 proposal! Or ES6 imports when they barely work in vanilla Node. Look, I get it, you want the new shiny, but please don’t make me transpile my server.

However I digress. In short, running your own GraphQL server is perfectly doable, but damn, is it tedious. And maybe coming from a world of Express or Flask that’s fine, but coming from the nice and smooth world of Rails, it felt like building a Lego Death Star out of 1x2 blocks.

And really, this is symptomatic of a more fundamental problem; the Node community many of the lessons of Rails. In their rush to get on the hype train, Node developers threw out the baby with the bathwater. They forgot what made Rails so effective. DHH et al. realized that most web apps fall into the same patterns. So they decided to take some simple, tested solutions to these problems, and codify them into a framework. Ideas like Model View Controller, Convention over Configuration, Don’t Repeat Yourself, helped make Rails into a really fantastic tool. If I had to choose a particular slogan for why I love Rails, it would be “Automate the Boring Parts”.

Sure, Rails has its messy bits. There’s way too much magic, Rails views are looking pretty out of date, and the community can be a little dogmatic. But it became popular for a reason.

Why can’t we do the same for GraphQL? Why can’t we automate the boring parts? And why can’t we make it GraphQL first? Instead of building a REST framework that tacks on GraphQL at the last second, why don’t we build it from the ground up around GraphQL? These are all questions that have been ringing around in my mind. I might very well make this framework.

And if I were to make it, here are some of the features I would add:

  • Simple, but declarative models. Let’s be real here, models in Rails are confusing as hell. I remember opening my first model file and wondering where all the code was. I’d probably combine ObjectTypes and Rails models into a single file that declares the database schema and then also contains the fields.

  • Instead of Model View Controller, how about Model Resolver Query? Queries are the entrypoints for GraphQL, resolvers glue together the models (taking the place of controllers) and models contain most of the actual validation, fetching, business logic code.

  • Query shortcuts. I’ve written a fair amount of ArticleById queries. It’d be nice to have an automatic bit of syntactic sugar for these. Something like “queryable_on :id”

  • Code generation. Cause who likes writing boilerplate?

That’s all I have now. Oh and the name of this prospective framework? Lattice. Cause, get it? A Graph version of Rails?

Oh everyone’s a critic.