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Fixing Nits Quickly

How many times have you gotten the following comment on your PR?

nit: checkProgram -> typeCheckProgram

Putting aside the validity of the rename, it’s an annoying change. You have to go to your computer, open the IDE, rename the variable, commit, and push. If you’re already at work, it’s not a huge deal, but sometimes I get a review back when I’m afk1. Something that should be a 5 second change is now a pain because I can’t open my IDE.

This is also awkward from the reviewer’s end. Often times the new name is a lot better, but it feels rather, well, nitpicky to hold up a PR for a rename.

What if this could be a single button click on a website? We can do this with the power of language servers!

Language Servers

A language server is a smart analyzer for a programming language that can be plugged into different editors. The idea is to separate the functionality we expect from an IDE such as smart highlighting, autocomplete, refactoring, from the specific IDE. Often times these services are implemented by the compiler itself. That means that many of the compilers you use are secretly language servers too!

Language servers speak a common protocol, the Language Server Protocol or LSP. It’s a pretty simple protocol, basically just JSON RPC with some special types. We could implement it ourselves, but fortunately, VSCode comes with some handy libraries for LSP.

Renaming Flow

What should our workflow be for the renaming process? Ideally a reviewer should be able to comment a refactor command on the line where they want the refactor to happen, which then gets parsed by the system and used to trigger the actual code change.

A comment on a pull request that says “rename(flattened_parameters,flattened_params)”

Because in theory anybody can trigger this code change, we don’t want to actually commit to the pull request. Instead, we’re going to create another pull request onto the existing pull request’s branch. Yes, PRs on PRs. In a more complete version of this, we could validate the user and allow direct committing for contributors.

The next question is where we should run this refactoring job. Again, in a more production version of this, this would run on our own job server. However, this is not so simple. For one, we’d need to spin up a container for each job, as language servers are not guaranteed to be safe2. Second, it’s not so simple to clone a repository quickly. Repositories can get quite large and can take a few minutes to download.

Instead, we can run this in an environment that is already sandboxed and already optimized for downloading repositories: GitHub Actions! Sure, GitHub Actions won’t scale super far but for a proof of concept it’s worth it.

Inside the action, we’ll have the actual refactoring work done by a small CLI. I decided to make this a CLI so that it could be used in other usecases. More on that later.

To recapitulate, the workflow is to write a refactor command in a comment, have it trigger a GitHub Action that then applies the refactor and opens a pull request onto the existing PR.

Getting Locations

In a normal editor, we’d have the precise line and column information for a symbol, which we could send off to the language server and get a rename immediately.

However, in a pull request, we don’t have the column info. The comment is applied to a single line. This could cause some issues in some cases, say:

let foo = + 5

If we get a command to rename foo to bar, which foo are we talking about?

There’s a simple answer: we don’t know and therefore we cannot rename.

But what about:

let foo = "this is foo"

In this case there is only one foo that we can rename: the variable. Of course we know this because human brains can parse code pretty well. For the action, this is a little harder. We could parse the code and determine that there’s only one foo in that line. That’d be slightly annoying.

Fortunately, language servers offer an easier solution. They have a PrepareRenameRequest that allows you to send a position and see if it’s a valid symbol for renaming. We can get all the occurrances of a given name in the line, then see if any are a valid symbol. If none are, we error. If exactly one is, then we go ahead with the rename. If there are multiple valid symbols, we error. There is a possibility for offering some way to disambiguate symbols, but again, let’s save that for version 1.1.


After we’ve gotten the correct symbol, we can issue a RenameRequest. Instead of changing the files itself, the language server instead returns a list of changes to be made to various files. Fortunately for us, the VSCode library that we’re using, vscode-languageserver-protocol has a way to apply these edits.

We apply the edits, write to the files, and we’re done!

That about wraps up the CLI part. We give it a line number, a file name, an old name and a new name, and it does the work for us. If you want to check out the CLI, the repository is here.

Parsing Commands

For the command, it should be pretty straightforward, something like:

rename(oldName, newName)

We should allow leading and trailing whitespace, but nothing else inside the comment. That way, you can say:

You can trigger a rename with rename(foo, bar)

Without actually triggering the rename.

A simple regex works to parse this:


From there, we get the new name and old name out in a simple JavaScript script and send it over to the next stage:

const comment = \`${{ github.event.comment.body }}\`;
const side = \`${{ github.event.comment.side }}\`;
// We make sure it's the right side of the diff
// otherwise we're renaming old code.
const isRightSide = side === 'RIGHT';
const matches = comment.match(/^\s*rename\s*\(\s*(\w[\w\d]*)\s*,\s*(\w[\w\d]*)\s*\)\s*$/);
if (matches && isRightSide) {
  console.log('::set-output name=isMatch::true');
  console.log('::set-output name=symbolName::' + matches[1]);
  console.log('::set-output name=newSymbolName::' + matches[2]);
} else {
  console.log('::set-output name=isMatch::false');

The ::set-output allows us to pass variables to subsequent stages in a GitHub Action.

If there’s no match, we cancel the rest of the action and return. Yes, this does mean that we need to parse all pull request comments. It’s an MVP, gimme a break.

From there we download the CLI and run it on our code; then we make the pull request.

If you want to check out the action code, it’s here.


This is a really simple proof of concept that I threw together. That said, I think it’s pretty neat. It’s super nice being able to apply simple changes without touching an editor. I’m going to look into making this a more full fledged setup. In the future I’d love the ability to add comments, rename files, maybe even factor out code into a separate function.

And hopefully by making this a CLI, I can make it something that can run on multiple different CI platforms. Heck, with a proper TUI, I could make this feasible to run on the fly. Of course as someone will point out on Reddit, this is getting dangerously close to just being a damn editor itself.

  1. Who still uses afk? It’s been a sec since I’ve heard it. ↩︎

  2. rust-analyzer for instance runs macros pre-emptively. Since Rust macros can read files and do other evil things, we have to sandbox them. ↩︎