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Explaining Redux

Redux is one of those concepts that is so damn hard to explain, and even harder to understand. For me at least, React was a lot easier to understand at a high level. I mean, React at a high level is basically just objects minus inheritance plus one way data flow. Or function composition with some enclosed state if you’re into functional programming. Sure, there’s a lot more to it once you get into the nitty gritty, but really that’s all you need to know to start writing React code.

Redux however, is a lot trickier to explain. Because first, you have to understand why you need Redux. And you might not! Second, you need to understand the terminology. I mean, reading about Redux is just a whole slew of “actions, reducers, action creators, store, middleware”, blah blah blah. It’s pretty overwhelming. And third there’s just so many ways to use Redux. There’s ducks, there’s the Redux documentation. It’s just a whole mess of different styles.

The goal of this post is to explain Redux in a simple, high level way. I’m not going to tell you how to write your reducers, or action creators or really anything code specific. I just want to give a clear mental image for the Redux workflow. Let’s get started!

Let’s imagine you’re a kid. You get cash, either from an allowance from your parents, or from odd jobs like mowing lawns or delivering papers. Because you’re a kid, you don’t have a bank account, you keep the cash on you and spend it at places like the grocery store, or the movie theater. In this case, the cash is the local state. You are the component. You’re not doing anything fancy with it. You’re basically just spending it in a few different places. You get the cash from a few sources and you spend it in a few places. The cash never leaves your pocket except for when you decide to spend it. This is perfectly fine.

But let’s say you grow up and get a job. Your job no longer pays you in person. They pay you through a bank account. In this model, you don’t actually have the cash on you. Instead, you decide to place the cash into a separate store of value. When you need physical cash, you ask the bank account for some money. When you want to deposit money, you write a check, which the bank receives, and adjusts your balance accordingly. By using a check, you have a few benefits. First, you can easily record the cash flow. You can see your income and your spending. If there’s a discrepancy, you can isolate where and how it happened. In Redux, these checks are called actions. Actions are basically ways of telling the store that you want to change the state. The bank account is called the store and keeps the state. The bank itself is called the reducer and responds to actions by adjusting the store accordingly.

Moving on, there’s a few more benefits. For instance, if you have more than one person using the cash, e.g. a family member, then you don’t have to physically hand that person cash. Instead, you can connect them to the bank account, and they can withdraw as needed.

Likewise, there’s an idea of middleware. Let’s say you want to get bank alerts on your phone. What you can do is ask the bank to send you notices whenever someone takes out money. This is called a middleware. A middleware intercepts the actions and applies a function to it, in this case a logging function. However, it doesn’t have to be a logging function. You can ask the bank to take any deposit and put some of the money away into a savings account. Or even have the bank send money at a given time. All of these are accomplishable with middleware.

I could go on with this metaphor, but honestly it’s reaching its limit. Redux is a great example of simplicity and minimalism in its design. Redux gives you a way to abstract your state away into a store and control your state updates with actions and reducers. That’s it.