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Code Crush Syndrome

Aside: Sorry, this is a morbid post, so feel free to skip if you’re not into medical stuff. I, for one, rewatch way too much House MD (S6E22), hence this post

I’ve been working at Vercel on porting Turborepo from Go to Rust. In this process, I’ve learned a lot. One particular lesson that I’ve found particularly illuminating concerns the dangers of dead code.

The analogy that comes to mind is of crush syndrome. Say your leg is stuck under a fallen tree. Because your muscles are being crushed beneath the tree, they are cut off from circulation and therefore from oxygen. This causes them to die and become necrotic1. This in turn poses a serious problem, because if someone were to come along and lift the tree up to rescue you, your body would be flooded with all of the toxins that get produced when muscles break down. These toxins would then fry your kidneys and possibly kill you. This is called Crush Syndrome.

Okay, gross, but what does this have to do with dead code? Well dead code is like this crushed leg. It’s sitting there, not being used, slowly breaking down. When it’s reconnected back into the program, it immediately floods the program with bugs and outdated assumptions, whether that’s the outdated date format that you changed everywhere else in the program, or something more subtle like broken concurrency invariant.

And yes, you should consider any dead code to be actively decomposing. Unless it’s being run, you can’t be sure. Requirements change, libraries get updated, etc. Static analysis can keep the code in somewhat better shape, i.e. not totally obviously broken, but nowhere close to actually correct.

Okay, but what about tests? Tests are great for keeping dead code alive; you can think of them as a life support machine for your crushed leg. They’ll keep the code going, but only just barely. After all, your tests can become outdated themselves. And unless these tests somehow connect your code to the larger codebase, they still don’t account for the bugs that come from interactions between different modules in the codebase. As Dijkstra said: “Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!” Tests can limit your bug exposure but you’ll never truly know until the code is connected back into the program.

This thought process informed how we planned our porting efforts at Vercel. While it was tempting to tackle the port in large chunks, such as a full rewrite or a few large pull requests, we knew that doing so would create a lot of dead code. This would be code that is sitting in a pull request or gated behind a feature flag, unused by users, accumulating bugs. By the time we’d ship the new code, we’d likely end up dealing with an onslaught of bugs and changed behavior. Therefore we tried to move code over in smaller pieces, and wire those pieces into the existing system, even if it meant using creating complicated interop schemes or slower performance.

At a certain point we did have to start accumulating large quantities of dead code, especially as we got to the core functionality of Turborepo. However, we were able to still exercise the code by having it run alongside the existing Go code in parallel, almost like plugging an additional kidney2 into your body. We’d compare the outputs to make sure the Rust code was working properly.

It’s funny to say, but in some ways, the most dangerous code is the code that is not run.

  1. Do not Google this if you’re squeamish ↩︎

  2. Which is actually how kidney transplants work! They don’t take out the old kidneys. ↩︎